Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today I Give Thanks For . . .

1. My amazing family - Dad, Mom, and Brother - without whom, life just simply wouldn't be the same.  A one-liner doesn't do the three of you justice, but I'll write the novel at a later date.

2. Having the opportunity to train at a top-ranked orthopaedic residency program.

3. Bailey for always being eager to go for a run and keeping life in perspective.

4. An awesome new life in Charlotte - great house, friends, and job.

5. Triathlons and the crazy world of swimming, biking, and running.  You keep me sane amidst an oftentimes exhausting schedule and constantly force me to challenge my comfort zone.

6. A healthy lifestyle that keeps me feeling fit and capable of fighting off the hospital germs.

7. The hospital cafeteria for providing a pretty great selection of options (including organic) on a daily basis.

8. My bed and the perfect night's sleep it provides.

9. Exotic dark chocolates.  The perfect after-dinner treat for my sweet-tooth.

10. My alarm clock - 4am never gets any easier, but you're there for me day after day not a minute too early or late.

11. Peanut Butter.  Where would I be in life without you?  I can't imagine my day complete without a smear on a banana to start my morning.

12. 2002 Toyota Camry with 125,000 miles and still holding strong.

13. The sun spot on my back deck.  It may be winter, but even on the coldest days that small spot in the sun can feel like 70 degrees.

14. Sunday morning pancake breakfasts.  Enough said.

15. Having parents who love to cook and always prepare an extravagant feast for the holidays.

16. Ice Baths - we have a love/hate relationship

17. Sushi dinners

18. Lululemon pants and a hoodie sweatshirt

19. An endless array of food blogs who constantly inspire my creativity and ambition in the kitchen.

20. Roasted sweet potatoes dusted with cinnamon and cayenne.

21. The Sport Factory and all of my teammates who are both supportive and competitive.  I certainly wouldn't be anywhere near the athlete I've become without you all.

22. iPhone.  Honestly, I can't imagine the world without you.  An addiction, perhaps most certainly, but a pretty darn great one.

23. TiVO, because without you, I would never watch any TV.  And in your absence, I'd never survive bike trainer workouts.

24. The Charlotte Farmer's Market for providing the best selection of fresh, local, and cheap produce I could ever ask for.

25. Great Harvest Breads, without which a sandwich could not possibly taste the same.

26. Yoga and the constant challenge it provides me both mentally and physically.

27. My Vitamix blender.  Simply stated, you have revolutionized the world of smoothies.

28. A vegetarian diet.  Simple, natural, guilt-free, and flavorful ingredients that provide ample nutrition and energy.

29. Starbucks Soy Lattes for providing me with a comforting and energizing cup of deliciousness that is perfect enough to make everything right in the world.

30. Extended family - grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins - who provide a network of love, humor, and unconditional support.

This list could go on for quite some time and I'm sure I'm leaving off many important people and objects.  But from just this short list, I have learned that my life is pretty darn amazing when I really step back and think about it!  On a nearly daily basis I'll find myself getting caught up in the stress or frustration of one of life's quirks.  In reality, the focus should instead be on all of the great people and things we are surrounded by.  Life's too short to focus on the should-have's or would-have's.  Live in the moment, capture each experience and learn from it, and love those with whom you are closest.

What are you thankful for on this Turkey Day 2011?

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