Friday, August 12, 2011

Catching Up On Life

Today was my first day off in 26 days.  Needless to say, I've pretty much been living at the hospital.

It's amazing how long a to-do list can become when you've been too busy to deal with normal things for nearly 4 weeks.  While I was determined to make progress on the list, I also wanted to soak up the day and enjoy some sleep and relaxation as well.  Aside from the fact that the day passed way too quickly, it was a great day!

Sleep was a priority!  Sleeping until 7:45am (3.5 hours later than usual) never felt so good!
Multi-grain Chia Seed Pancakes with Banana and Maple Peanut Butter Syrup
(recipe to follow)
Perfect Lazy Morning = a cup of tea, pancake breakfast, and lounging in pjs watching The Today Show
Long run past the Myers Park mansions.
It might be the middle of August, but it was a beautiful 79 degrees this morning.
Afternoon nourishment:  Salmon salad, crackers with herb cheese, hydration, and a good book.
Now if only I could have kept my eyes open long enough to get past page 1.
Oh well, I've never regretted a nap!
At home, the grocery situation was getting to be pretty pathetic.  As residents, the hospital provides all of our meals.  The food is surprisingly good and there is typically a wide variety of options.  As a result, I eat breakfast and lunch there each day.  As of late, my hours have been on the long side, and so I've been frequenting the cafeteria for dinner as well.

For the first time in 2 weeks, I was actually in need of some food to cook for myself at home.  My refrigerator contained a variety of condiments, rice milk, a single container of yogurt, flax seeds, spinach, and an apple.  Not exactly dinner worthy.  I must say I was very excited to make a trip to the grocery store!  I love the process of wandering the isles and finding great deals, and have been known to frequent the store a couple times each week.  Can you believe I hadn't been to the grocery store in 3 weeks!?!

Tonight's meal was compliments of one of my favorite cookbooks:
Do yourself a favor and add this book to your collection ASAP!

Looks delicious, right?
My version.  Lots of prep work, but incredibly delicious!  My favorite tofu dish I've created.
No better way to end a perfect day!
Salted caramel froyo with waffle cone pieces, caramel, raspberries, and dark chocolate chips.
And now I'm off to bed.  Does my perfect day really have to end??  Back to the trauma bay in the morning.

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